An emotional back-to-school…

An emotional back-to-school...

As is the case every year, the LfdD courtyard was full of emotions on the first day of the new school year…

On the faces of the little ones (and their parents, too), you could read apprehension, joy and pride, as they left the family cocoon for the first time and took their first steps into a new world of learning and discovery.

For the first graders, there was less apprehension, but the milestone was just as important… They arrived at the “BIG SCHOOL” with pride and determination, holding their heads high as they made their way to primary school at the now traditional ceremony marking their passage to elementary school.
The “Schultüten” were also there, of course!

This year, the blue, white and red balloons were replaced by multicoloured balloons representing our beautiful diversity, with its 30 or so different nationalities. (Note that, in keeping with the values we defend, these balloons released high into the sky were biodegradable!)

The 6th graders are also going through a major change, taking their first steps at collège and discovering a new organization of subjects, work and increased autonomy.
There was a touch of apprehension, but above all a great sense of pride and responsibility…

The 3rd graders are entering the home straight, and from day one have been focused on the important deadlines that will mark their high school careers.

For all the others, the emotion is no less: a new class, new programs, new challenges, new teachers for some… After the long summer vacations, everyone is happy to get together to share their many vacation memories, but also their good resolutions for the new school year.

The management, teachers and staff are delighted to welcome all the students and wish everyone a wonderful 2022-2023 school year, full of enthusiasm and success!

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