Inclusive school
Evolving together in excellence and diversity
The school of tomorrow is a school that knows how to adapt to particularities, and trains citizens who embrace diversity and difference. Inclusive education is a pillar of our school and of the AEFE. LfiSV strives to meet the educational, physical, social and emotional needs of all its students, including those with special needs. We ensure that every student is treated as an individual. We therefore invite you to contact our school to find out about the possibilities we have for your children.
Evolving together in excellence and diversity
The school of tomorrow is a school that knows how to adapt to particularities, and trains citizens who embrace diversity and difference. Inclusive education is a pillar of our school and of the AEFE. LfiSV strives to meet the educational, physical, social and emotional needs of all its students, including those with special needs. We ensure that every student is treated as an individual. We therefore invite you to contact our school to find out about the possibilities we have for your children.
Students with special educational needs (ébép)
Students with special educational needs are those who require special attention from teachers or adults to overcome obstacles or difficulties related to learning.
The ÉBÉP Referent
Ms Berthod is our referent teacher for students with special educational needs in secondary school and her mission is as follows:
- Welcoming and informing families and teaching teams.
- Help and advice on dealing with the German authorities.
- Contribute to the development of the Personalized Schooling Project (PPS), and monitor its continuity, coherence and implementation.
- Promote exchanges and cooperation between the teaching team, families and medical and social services.
- Assemble, lead and coordinate schooling monitoring teams, and keep the child’s schooling monitoring file up to date.
As such, she is the key contact for secondary school parents and the various players involved in the child’s schooling.
You can contact her by e-mail:
The main contact for kindergarten and elementary school parents is Mme Chardon, headmistress of the elementary school.
You can contact her by e-mail:
Educational facilities
We provide the accommodations recommended by the French Ministry of Education. These are accommodations in the schooling of pupils whose specific needs have been identified and/or diagnosed.
To find out more, click here: Schooling for students with special educational needs from the French Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Personalized Schooling Project(PPS)
The PPS concerns children with a physical, sensory, cognitive or psychological impairment or a disabling health problem. The family should consult a paediatrician, who will recommend a child psychiatrist. Tests are then carried out in a specialized facility. A file can be submitted to the Jugendamt to obtain accommodations such as an AVS (Accompagnement de Vie Scolaire).
At primary level, the class teacher is responsible for implementing and monitoring the PPS. He is the main contact for the family and all other parties involved.
In secondary schools, the referent teacher is responsible for implementing and monitoring the PPS. He is the main contact for the family and other caregivers.
Personalized Program for Educational Success( PPRE)
This program is designed for students who are at risk of failing to master certain knowledge and skills expected at the end of an educational cycle. It enables the coordination of actions to provide an effective response to the difficulties encountered by pupils in acquiring the knowledge and skills of the Common Base.
It is organized on a personalized basis, and can take place at any stage of compulsory schooling. A coordinated plan of action is designed to meet the student’s needs, ranging from differentiated pedagogical support in the classroom to specialized or complementary assistance. It is drawn up by the teaching team, discussed with parents and presented to the student.
Personalized Support Plan(PAP)
This plan is designed for students with long-term difficulties at school due to a learning disability. Ex: “DYS”. It is aimed at primary and secondary school pupils who are experiencing long-term difficulties at school due to one or more learning difficulties, and who require pedagogical adjustments and adaptations. This is a pedagogical support system that enables students to follow the curriculum for the cycle in which they are enrolled.
It can be set up either at the suggestion of the teachers’ council or the class council, or at any time during the student’s schooling, at the request of the student of age, or his/her parents if he/she is a minor. Following medical advice, the PAP is drawn up by the educational team, involving parents and the professionals concerned. The PAP is implemented by teachers in the classroom. In secondary schools, the main teacher can play a coordinating role.
Health point
The individualized health project (PAI)
This plan concerns children suffering from chronic illnesses (asthma, food allergies, etc.). A form specifies the accommodations required in relation to the health condition (treatments, specific diets, emergency protocols).
The PAI (individualized health care plan) is designed and implemented as part of a concerted approach. The aim is to facilitate the life of a child or teenager with a health problem in a group setting.
It is drawn up with the young person and his/her legal guardians, at their request or in agreement with them and with their participation.
The PAI is compatible with the implementation of a personalized educational success program (PPRE), a personalized support plan for learning disabilities (PAP) or a personalized schooling project for disabilities (PPS).
To find out more, click here: Inclusive schools | Ministère de l’Education Nationale de la Jeunesse et des Sports
The psychologist offers prevention, screening, assessment, assistance and support services. It can therefore intervene at several levels and perform different tasks. He analyzes the difficulties the student is facing, whether in terms of learning, behavior or emotions, in order to minimize their impact and propose strategies adapted to his needs.
Our high school has signed an agreement with the AWO educational consultancy center, which will provide the following services:
- Diagnosis and therapeutic support for children and adolescents;
- Psychological counseling for parents in French ;
- Teachers’ Council.
Ms Vincent, a psychologist, will provide these services.
We invite you to contact us to find out what opportunities we have for your children.