
Together for success

Agence pour l'enseignement français a l'étranger | AEFE

A network unique in the world

The AEFE, a public establishment under the aegis of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, coordinates and manages the French education network abroad, with the dual mission of ensuring the continuity of the public education service for French children outside our borders, and contributing to the dissemination of the French language and culture abroad. This unique school network comprises 566 establishments serving over 390,000 students in 138 countries. The quality and consistency of the teaching provided by these establishments, and the values they uphold, are the hallmarks of this network, which is unique in the world in its scope.

Excellence, sharing and outreach

The teaching provided in French schools, collèges and lycées abroad is innovative, open to the culture and language of the host countries, and provides enhanced learning in modern languages from kindergarten onwards. It prepares students for their future as citizens and players in open, multilingual and multicultural societies. The aim of the network’s establishments is to reconcile a French education with teaching of international standard, the promotion of French and the development of multilingualism, a pedagogy committed to the success of all and a demand for excellence. The network’s schools boast an excellent baccalaureate pass rate (98.9% on average, and 100% in many cases), higher than any other French high school. Most of the network’s baccalaureate graduates go on to top international schools and universities.

Discover AEFE

Authorities of the Lycée français international Simone Veil

Parents' Association (PA)

Any parent can be a member of our association. The association’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), which takes place once a year, is a key forum for communication, information and dialogue on the management of our facility.

The Verein der Eltern und Förderer des französischen Gymnasiums in Düsseldorf e.V. was founded in 1976. It is the managing body of the facility and is legally responsible under German law. It is also the employer of staff on local contracts. Members of the Association du Lycée français international Simone Veil (LfiSV) elect the parent representatives who will sit on the Management Committee, the school’s governing body, at the Annual General Meeting.

Management Committee (Vorstand)

The Management Committee, elected by the association’s members at the Annual General Meeting, has economic responsibility for the establishment, and therefore for the LfiSV budget.
It is a truly democratic body that enables parents to participate actively and concretely in the school’s development. The Management Committee works in partnership with the school management and supports the school’s pedagogical project.
The Management Committee is made up of 6 to 10 voting members. Parents are re-elected every year and work on a voluntary basis.
The Management Committee answers your questions, suggestions or comments concerning the management of LfiSV by e-mail Your message will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Establishment Council

The School Council is a tripartite body made up of an equal number of ex-officio members representing the school administration, representatives of school staff and representatives of parents and students. The School Council of the Lycée français international Simone Veil comprises 15 voting members. The following members sit on the Board in an advisory capacity: the Consul General, the Chairman of the Vorstand, and members of the Assemblée des Français de l’étranger.

School Council

The council is chaired by the school principal. The school principal, school teachers and one parent representative per class sit on the committee with voting rights. The Head of School and the Administrative and Financial Director sit on the Board in an advisory capacity.
The School Council adopts the school’s internal regulations on the proposal of the school principal.

View our documents

School Council

School Council

The Management Committee

PA (APE) Statutes

APE application form

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